
What is a “logo”?

Created: Dec 05, 2012

Updated: May 11, 2024

There are many words flying around today, all of which relate to logo and identity design. We´ve isolated some of the most common catchwords to help you use the right word at the right time.
So what is a logo? It’s slang for logotype, which usually refers to a company signature or mark. It derives from the Greek, logos, or word.
In graphic design parlance, the word marks properly refers to the broad group of designs that are used as corporate signatures. Marks without type are called symbols, but symbols used to communicate (like traffic signs and on restroom doors) are really pictographs.
When marks are wholly typographic, they can be lettermarks, wordmarks, or monograms, which are usually initials or abbreviations, or logos, which may be entire words or the company name. When symbols and logos are used together, they are referred to as combination marks. And when any of the above are registered and protected by law, they are referred to as trademarks.
In publishing, many people use the words logo or masthead to refer to the publication’s name on its cover, but the correct term (especially in reference to newspapers) is really nameplate or banner. And a masthead, or staff box, is a column of type that lists the publishers, owners, staff members, and address and phone numbers.

This entry was posted on Friday, February 27th, 2009 at 11:51 am and is filed under Corporate identity, Home. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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