Updated: Sep 23, 2024
Of all Asian countries, smartphone usage is most widespread in Hong Kong. Stats indicate that 96% of people in Hong Kong use their smartphones to go online every day. For most people, it’s the very
first thing to grab first thing in the morning, and the thing they simply won’t leave home without. Most people spend more time browsing the internet via their smartphones than via any other internet-enabled devices, as smartphones are so easy to use on the go. People of Hong Kong search for all kinds of information online, including pubs, restaurants, products, product reviews and much more. In the following infographic, “Smartphone Usage In Hong Kong”, we’ve captured some of the most interesting facts on smartphone usage in Hong Kong for your review. We’ve summarized the smartphone usage in Hong Kong based on age, gender, smartphone activities, usage times and durations, and preferences.
Infographic by- GO Globe Web Design Hong Kong company
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Here are some smartphone usage statistics that are must to read:
Below are some ecommerce in Hong Kong statistics:
| Male | Female |
15-19 years old | 92% | 82% |
20-29 years old | 97% | 93% |
30-39 years old | 94% | 87% |
40-49 years old | 79% | 66% |
50-54 years old | 54% | 36% |
Common Places Where Smartphones Are Used
Home | 95% |
On-the-go (for example, while commuting, walking) | 87% |
Work | 87% |
Public transport | 89% |
In a store | 77% |
Restaurant | 87% |
Café or coffee shop | 75% |
Doctor'soffice | 49% |
Airport | 63% |
At a social gathering/function/event | 63% |
School | 52% |
Elsewhere | 2% |
Major Smartphone Usage Activities By Hong Kong Smartphone Users
Smartphone Activities | %Age |
Internet browsing | 84% |
Sending and receiving emails | 80% |
Taking pictures or video | 84% |
Using applications | 72% |
Using search engines for random searches | 69% |
Listening to music | 74% |
Playing games | 79% |
Accessing social networks | 78% |
Using search engines for product searches | 66% |
Watching videos on video sharing websites such as YouTube | 68% |
Downloading or purchasing ringtones, wallpaper, applications or other content | 63% |
Reading news on newspaper or magazine portals | 71% |
Looking up directions or using maps | 76% |
Searching for restaurants or pubs/bars | 66% |
Doing online banking or other finance-related activities | 51% |
Purchasing a product or service | 45% |
Searching for travel or holiday-related information | 56% |
Tethering smartphone to a computer | 52% |
Using coupons via smartphones for online shopping | 46% |
Searching for apartments or houses for rent or purchase | 36% |
Reviewing websites, blogs or message boards | 70% |
Searching for jobs and contracts | 40% |
Watching full episodes of TV shows and programs online | 55% |
Looked up directions or used a map | 76% |
Other activities | 1% |
Smartphone Apps
Most popular apps on different Operational Systems
Category | Android | iOS |
Entertainment | 56.4% | 32.9% |
Video | 28.1% | 25.3% |
Life | 5.1% | 39.5% |
Others | 4.1% | 2.3% |
The number of apps people have on their smartphones on average
| Installed Apps | Paid Apps | Active Apps |
1 - 2 apps | 3% | 17% | 7% |
3 - 4 apps | 2% | 5% | 10% |
5 - 6 apps | 5% | 7% | 22% |
7 - 8 apps | 2% | 2% | 7% |
9 - 10 apps | 12% | 6% | 22% |
11 - 15 apps | 7% | 3% | 9% |
16 - 20 apps | 17% | 5% | 10% |
21 - 50 apps | 32% | 6% | 9% |
51 apps or more | 21% | 4% | 1% |
Using Smartphones To search for Information
The frequency at which people search for information using search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing and others.
Frequency | %age |
Multiple times per day | 50% |
Once a day | 12% |
Few times a week | 25% |
Once a week | 6% |
Few times a month | 4% |
Less than once a month | 2% |
Most Popular Searches
Restaurants, pubs and bars | 66% |
Travel information | 56% |
Job opportunities | 40% |
Housing information | 36% |
Location-based Services
What location-based services do people use via their smartphones
Visiting businesses | 43% |
Connecting with businesses | 46% |
Making purchases | 49% |
Telling others about purchases made | 24% |
Not taking any action after looking up local information | 14% |
How Competitive Are Smartphones?
22% would rather give up their TVs than smartphones |
17% would rather give up their desktop PCs or tablets than their smartphones |
77% do not leave the house without their smartphones |
51% do not mind receiving advertisements on their smartphone if they contain freebies or rewards for subscribing |
66% use the Internet on their smartphones to get information when they are not in front of a computer, laptop or other internet-enabled devices |
For 56% smartphones provide the answer to their questions quickly when they need immediate answers |
For 72% smartphones are a great way to pass away some time while waiting for something |
45% use smartphones because they don't want to miss out on anything when they are on the go (messages, emails, updates from others etc.) |
64% feel that they should have internet on their mobiles as a kind of accessory |