QR Code Generator

GO-QR is a comprehensive QR code generation and customization platform that offers a wide range of features to cater to various needs. Some of the key features include:

Text: Encode plain text messages within the QR code.
URL: Embed website links, making it easier for users to access web pages.
Phone: Store phone numbers, enabling quick contact saving and dialing.
SMS: Pre-fill SMS text, allowing users to send messages with a single scan.
Email: Embed email addresses, facilitating easy contact saving and emailing.
WhatsApp: Link to WhatsApp conversations, streamlining communication.
FaceTime: Connect users through FaceTime with a single scan.
Location: Share location coordinates for easy navigation.
Wifi: Allow quick connection to Wi-Fi networks by scanning the QR code.
Event: Embed event information, making it easier for users to add events to their calendars.
VCard: Store contact information, enabling efficient networking.
Crypto: Embed cryptocurrency wallet addresses for seamless transactions.
Let's Start

Customize QR codes

VCard store contact information within QR codes, simplifying networking and contact management for businesses and professionals.
GO-QR allows users to personalize their QR codes with unique designs, color schemes, and branding elements such as logos, creating visually appealing and professional QR codes that stand out:
  • Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create your custom design to reflect your brand's aesthetic.
  • Select colors that align with your brand's color scheme, ensuring consistent branding across all platforms.
  • Add logos or other branding elements to enhance brand recognition and make your QR codes easily identifiable.
Get Code

Print and download generated QR

Embed website urls within QR codes, enabling swift access to web pages without the need for manual typing.

Once created and customized, QR codes can be conveniently printed or downloaded in various formats, making them accessible for both digital and physical use:

  • Print QR codes on marketing materials, business cards, or product packaging, enhancing engagement and adding value for customers.
  • Download QR codes for use on digital platforms, websites, or social media, increasing accessibility and usability.
Generate QR

Easy one-step process

Link to WhatsApp conversations through QR codes, facilitating seamless communication with friends, family, or customers.
The entire QR code generation and customization process can be completed in a single step, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for users:
  • Quickly generate, customize, and save QR codes within minutes, saving time and effort.
  • Intuitive user interface makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create professional-looking QR codes.
Let's Start

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