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Broadband Users In The World - Facts and Statistics [Infographic]

Created: Aug 02, 2011

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Broadband has become an important part of our lives. It is now a necessity like other utilities like - Food, Electricity, Gas etc. In this infographic, We've collected data from various reliable source and now sharing with you statistics and some interesting facts about broadband usage and users all accross the world.

Broadband Users In The World - Facts And Statistics

Infographic by- GO-Globe

Infographics by GO-Globe SEO Oman

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Below are some facts-

South Korea was the first country to complete the conversion from dial-up to broadband in 2005

South Korea has the Fastest Broadband connection in the world with the average broadband download speed is 14.4 megabits per second Whereas United states has the average broadband download speed is 5.4 megabits per second

World’s Fastest Broadband residential connection is in Karlstad, Sweden. SigbrittL?thberg's home has been supplied with a blistering 40 Gigabits per second connection, that can be used to either watch 1,500 HDTV channels simultaneously or even download a whole 24gb DVD in two seconds !!!

US state Delaware has the fastest broadband connection in US with average broadband speed of 7.2Mbps

Japanese City Tokai is the fastest city in world with average connection speed of 13.2 Mbps

Total number of global subscribers to superfast fibre optic is expected to "more than double" from 69.6 million in 2011 to 142 million by 2016.
More than 25% of Homes in world would be having triple-play (3P) bundle of broadband by 2016 as compared to 96 million recorded at the end 2010.

Wireless broadband subscriptions is growing at 10% per year as compared to fixed line broadband ISP market that would be growing by just 6%

According to Cisco, global internet data traffic will quadruple by 2015 - 965.5 ExaBytes per year ( as compared to 242.4 ExaBytes in 2010).

Global Mobile Broadband internet data traffic will increase 26 times from 2010 to 2015, reaching 6.3 Exabytes per month (75 Exabyte's annually).

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